A Guide to Islamic Etiquette for Young Students

At Ilim College, we emphasise the significance of etiquette (adab) in Islam. Teaching Islamic etiquette to children is fundamental to their development, as good manners are deeply rooted in Islamic teachings. Etiquette encompasses how we interact with others and conduct ourselves in various aspects of life. By instiling these values early, we help students build a strong moral foundation that guides their actions and decisions.

Key Aspects of Islamic Etiquette for Young Students

An Islamic manners guide for young students serves as a compass for navigating big and small social interactions. Some key aspects of Islamic etiquette that we emphasise at Ilim College include:

  • Respect for Others: Teaching students to show respect to teachers, peers, and family members is a core component. This involves listening attentively, speaking kindly, and valuing each person’s dignity.
  • Politeness and Courtesy: Islamic etiquette strongly emphasises politeness and courtesy in all interactions. We teach students to be mindful of their words and actions, greet others warmly, and offer assistance when needed.
  • Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene: Students learn the importance of cleanliness in Islam, which includes regular washing, grooming, and maintaining neatness in their surroundings.
  • Honesty and Integrity: Honesty and truthfulness are core Islamic values we strive to cultivate in our students. We teach them to be truthful in their words and actions to avoid lying, cheating, or deceiving others.
  • Gratitude and Humility. We encourage our students to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives – their families, friends, teachers, and the opportunities they have. We also teach them the importance of humility, recognising that all achievements ultimately come from Allah (SWT). This fosters a balanced, grounded perspective that prevents arrogance and cultivates a spirit of thankfulness.



Practical Ways to Teach Islamic Etiquette

Learning Islamic etiquette in schools involves a multi-faceted approach. At Ilim College, we incorporate adab into our curriculum, extracurricular activities, and daily routines. Here are some practical tips and activities we use to teach Islamic manners:

  • Role-playing and Scenarios: Students act out real-life situations where they can practice using good manners and apply Islamic principles in their interactions with others.
  • Stories and Examples from the Prophet Muhammed (SAW): We share stories and examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) that highlight the importance of good manners and provide role models for students to emulate.
  • Positive Reinforcement and Praise: We recognise and reward students who demonstrate good manners, encouraging them to continue their positive behaviour.
  • Classroom Discussions: Open discussions about the significance of etiquette and how it affects our relationships provide a platform for students to express their thoughts and learn from each other.
  • Interactive Workshops: Workshops on topics like personal hygiene, respect, and kindness allow students to learn through hands-on activities and real-life applications.

The Ripple Effect of Good Manners on Personal and Community Life

The impact of good manners extends far beyond individual behaviour. At Ilim College, we observe that teaching Islamic etiquette to children profoundly affects their personal and community lives. Students who practise good manners build stronger, more respectful relationships with their peers and teachers. This creates a positive and supportive learning environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

On a broader scale, the emphasis on Islamic etiquette fosters a sense of community and mutual respect. Students learn to appreciate diversity and show empathy towards others, which helps create a cohesive and harmonious school culture. The values of respect, honesty, and humility that they learn at school often extend to their interactions at home and in their wider community, promoting social harmony and cooperation.

A Lifelong Journey of Character Development

At Ilim College, we view teaching Islamic etiquette to children as a lifelong journey of character development. We strive to instil in our students a deep appreciation for the importance of adab in their faith and daily lives. By nurturing noble character and good manners, we empower our students to become exemplary individuals who uphold the values of Islam and contribute positively to society.

Please visit our Life at Ilim College and Islamic Education pages to learn more about our approach to Islamic education and character development. Let us work together to raise a generation of young Muslims who embody the beauty of Islam through their impeccable manners and noble character.